The Patient Experience

Healthcare 3.0: Here is how to thrive in the patient experience economy.

patient experience

Thrive in the patient experience economy by focusing on areas that can truly make a difference in the patient journey. Here is how to adapt to healthcare 3.0.

The patient experience is a journey with multiple touch-points. The movement to personalize and thread together these touches to meet patient expectations has gained momentum in the healthcare industry. Providers and payers are prioritizing a patient-first experience and exploring ways to provide a seamless and truly integrated care journey.

The entry of digital-native giants like Apple and Amazon have changed the complexion of an industry that is striving to meet the double bottomline of ensuring optimal financial and patient outcomes.

What creates a meaningful patient experience?

Where do you start on creating a connected and impactful patient experience? A strategy that is underpinned by thoughtful context is key to improving care outcomes. Healthcare organizations of all sizes and specialties need a digital face to engage with the population they serve at a deeper level. And a clear understanding of what creates value for patients. Important areas to focus on:

Ease of navigation:

How much effort do patients invest to navigate their care journey? Do they fill out multiple forms and wait for appointments? Are they fully aware of their care plan? The answers to these questions can light the way for a patient experience that is thoughtfully orchestrated and intuitive.

Ease of access:

How can technology be leveraged to generate insights that can empower patients and have a positive impact on their needs and decisions? Chat bots, virtual assistants and on-demand information are effective ways to cater to the ‘care anywhere’ model. For instance, an application that offers personalized recommendations and care plans for patients scheduled for surgery, like Recovery Coach enables patients to prepare for surgery and also offer the much-needed post-surgery support to improve outcomes.

Ease of payment:

Transparency around prices and options for services enables patients to make clearer decisions from a financial standpoint. A system where the prices of medical procedures are listed out clearly and multiple payment options are provided can truly elevate the care experience. Financial counseling and support to choose payment options offer the financial clarity that patients need at their most vulnerable moments.

Reimagning healthcare for a digital world…

Providing holistic care is the operative word here. Data that resides behind a walled garden, a disconnected care experience, paper forms and complex patient statements create a fractured care journey that works in fits and starts.

To thrive in the patient experience economy it is essential to not just adopt but leverage technology to create value where it matters most. The convenience to navigate the care continuum is a strong trust signal for patients.

SolvEdge has been an integral part of the healthcare landscape for close to two decades. We understand that the healthcare world is changing and offer the support, services and solutions to thrive in a dynamic industry. Our suite of HIPAA compliant and patient-focused solutions span the experience gap and hit the sweet spot where expectations meet opportunity.

To create a differentiated patient experience is tough. But it needn’t be.Explore Our Solutions

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From our humble beginnings as a healthcare start-up—to becoming a full-blown healthcare-exclusive digital transformation provider, our journey has been quite a remarkable one. Today, SolvEdge is a leading-edge Healthcare services and solutions provider—trusted by 450+ Hospitals, 3500+ Physicians and millions of patients across the globe.

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